maandag 3 december 2012

And it's dark in a cold December

This morning I saw this winter's first snow! (Well, my first snow, not the first snow.)
Which at first I thought was beautiful and wonderful (snow always creates a special feeling for me) until I had to go outside. 
It's cold outside! And wet. The snow doesn't stay on the ground but melts right away, which is kind of a disapointment.
So, winter is finally really here. 
I've wanted the winter to come, I'm not such a big fan of the autumn. At first it's beautiful with all the different colours the trees have. But then all the leaves fall off and the trees look sad and dead. And the rain! 
Oh well, there's an up -and downside to every season.

But since I live in a house with no heat (well, we have one heater, but when we turn that on - the whole apartment smells like gas, which can't be good) it's very cold inside. 
I'm wearing a lot of clothes to keep myself warm. 

My parents gave me this little heater (it's a champion because it works like a charm). 

Unfortunately, my feet are the first to get cold (and my nose, gotta buy a nose-warmer).
It's so hard to keep your feet warm! 
Luckily my mother bought me a sort of pillow where you can stick your feet in. I love my mother for buying me things that prevent me from freezing.

Oh! And to get in the Christmas-mood, my roommate took a little Christmas tree with her.
With coloured lights, very cute. 
Just this morning I felt a little sad because I wasn't at home with my parents in this special month, because I miss the feeling I get when it's December. But this little tree makes everything better!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hee Rachel.

    Echt super leuk dat je een blog hebt, dan kan ik je tenminste in de gaten houden als ik weer weg ben ;)
    Of je je brei-skills niet opgeeft en of er weer een huisfeest komt (hint)
    Maar eerst nog even twee maanden genieten!

    X. Liesbeth

  2. Hi Reetsj,
    Glad you can at least manage to stay more or less warm! You'll definitely have to call your landlord about the heater!
    Yes, I love snow too, both when it falls and when it goes, but not much in between (unless you can stay inside)!
    Take care!

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